About BioBubblesTM

Cosmetic additives BioBubblesTM - is a line of fundamentally new cosmetic products.

BioBubblesTM products are high quality, highly concentrated active ingredients designed to enhance the biological effect of skin care products.

The patented technology of microencapsulation helps to protect them from destruction in the composition of cosmetics.

BioBubblesTM Microencapsulation Technology

Microcapsules are microcontainers containing tiny particles of an active cosmetic ingredient

The shell of microcapsules consists of natural, environmentally friendly lipids (cocoa butter and/or hydrogenated vegetable fats) and has a melting point close to the temperature of the human body.

After mixing the BioBubblesTM cosmetic additive with a base, the microcapsules are evenly distributed in its volume, while the shell of the microcapsules remains intact.

At the moment the cream is applied to the skin, the shell of the microcapsules dissolves gently, releasing the active ingredients intact and ensuring their rapid penetration into the epidermis, due to hydrophobic interaction with the surface of the epidermal cells.


Our priority is quality, so:
We use raw materials exclusively from trusted suppliers from Europe and America.
We carry out strict quality control of all ingredients and manufactured products using new high-tech analytical equipment.
We carry out the manufacturing in “clean” production facilities, equipped with special equipment for air filtration from dust and microbes, and meeting the requirements of the GMP pharmaceutical quality standard.
We use unique patented technologies that have no analogues.
We do not test new products on animals, but we use cutting-edge advanced in vitro techniques for testing our products.